The Night Circus (+ 6 pts)

 I really enjoyed this story. I really love stories that have a magical and beautiful atmosphere and I really think that the author did an incredible job of painting that imagery in the reader's head. What was the most special about this book was how well done the characters were and how well they were developed. One of my favorite things with anything in books, movies, etc. is the characters. I felt from the very beginning that I could understand and feel what the characters were feeling. 

The story itself is interesting because the it bounces back and forth between the two main characters. You feel bad for them because they are pretty much being used for their magical abilities, like they are just pawns in this game that they didn't ask to be apart of. I liked how you got to see both of the character's lives and perspectives of the situation. They are each other's competition, yet they end up having a close connection and bond, falling in love with each other. At the end of the day, it becomes a love story, and a magical one at that.


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