The Drowned Giant (+ 1 pt)
This was an eye-opening and extremely intriguing story. This short story is about a giant that washes up on the shore of this beach. Everyone is fascinated and come to observe and examine it. This story has a deeper message, though. The people in this town treat this giant as if it is an object and not a person. Though they have never seen anything like it, this giant has human features and is pretty much just a giant person. This giant is dead, but the people step on it, walk on it, sit on it and treat it as if it is some sort of playground and not someone that died. As the main character continues to visit the giant week after week, more of it's body parts go missing. The giant is used for the human's personal gain around town. It is like how people are used or treated like objects in real life. This could be about how a person feels when they are walked all over, taken advantage of or treated like less of a human being. There is so much more to this story than the interesting aspects of an actual giant finding its way into the human world.
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